وظائف العلاقات الخارجية من نحن الصفحة الأولى
اضافات الموقع عدد المستخدمين عدد الزائرين للموقع
مصر - دول الخليج - دول المغرب العربى 135 111228
Our website is literally considered one of the first Egyptian websites, in addition to the first Egyptian brand for free Egyptian advertising to serve a large segment of businessmen in their various businesses. It is considered the first Egyptian launch on Egyptian land. The number of users of the site has now reached many users to display their products in a period not exceeding two months since the start of placing the site on the World Wide Web and among other sites. Therefore, we provide all means of comfort and safety to enhance the confidence of our customers. The csbegypt website is considered one of the first Egyptian websites that employs advertisements for businessmen, investors, merchants, and owners of major stores in the Arab Republic of Egypt, which receives more than 500 views per day. We, the site management, thank the visitors for their confidence in our site, which provides the highest levels of security for all information added from Gentlemen, our customers.